Monday, March 29, 2010

10 Questions With...

As a wrestler, I’ve had to deal with my share of GM’s. All seem to be rather good at their jobs, but there’s one in particular that stands out to me. She handles double duty as XWA Primetime co-GM w/ Akasha Faulkes, and runs the upstart HAWX. Her name is Vendetta Zabaleta and she’s the first wrestler featured in “10 Questions With”…

10 Questions with…

Vendetta Zabaleta

1. Where are you currently wrestling and what belts do you have/not have?

Currently I wrestly for the XWA and HAWX (which I'm the owner of) I am the former XWA Women's Champ and the Current HAWX Hardcore Champ

2. How did it all start?

It all started with HAW... HAW is a pose ball based system. I discovered the AC Pro system and wanted to start a seperate fed within HAW for the for people who wanted more freedom in thier moves then what the poseballs could offer. Although that fed really never got off the ground thats when I met Jennf Parkin. Her and I started talking and she introduced me to the HKWF. AT first i was reluctant to join since mine and Jenn's charters were very much alike ( I did'nt wnat to step on her toes). But I did eventually join then when the XWA started up I joined up with them... I juess the rest is history

3. Who have been your 3 toughest opponents?

Jennf Parkin, Kimberly Soulstar, Nanny Gothly and Elisa Ridder (Sorry I had toname 4 for whoever out of those i left out would kick my butt)

4. If one match has defined your career thus far, who was it against and where was it?

I would have to say it was the Fatal 4 Way match at XWA Wrestle Series. It was Me against Nanny, Kimberly, and Elisa and was for the newly santioned Womens title.

5. What is it you want people to think when they hear the words “Vendetta Zabaleta”?

"Oh *&%$! Here comes that crazy Bunny Bitch again!

6. What 3 veteran wrestlers do you see stepping up into the spotlight this year?

Horses Moressy, Akasha Faulkes, and JennF Parkin

7. What 3 rookies do you see as standing out from the rest?

Shelly the Bod (and I'm not just saying that) , Cyrese Delicioso, Cara Wellsley

8. What is your favorite kind of match?

Hardcore or any match where the rules are lax or non existant. I also like inventing my own kinda matches as well

9. Who are your closest friends and worst foes?

They are all one in the same to me.... Akasha, Kim, Jennf, Nanny, Elisa, Tracy, Shelly, ...ect

10. When its all over, what do you want people to remember you for?

The Girl who was'nt afraid to try or do anything for the entrainment of the fans

Well put I’d say!

Not only does she kick ass in the ring, but she is also an EXCELLENT judge of talent!

You keep kicking ass BB!!!!

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